Sungkyunkwan University AMLAB
International Journal
Dongyeon Yu, Chanho Park, Hoseung Choi, Donggyu Kim, Sung-Ho Hwang , Takeover Safety Analysis with Driver Monitoring Systems and …, Appl. Sci. vol.11(15) pp.6685 2021.
Dongyeon Yu, Honggyu Lee, Taehoon Kim, Sung-Ho Hwang , Vehicle Trajectory Prediction with Lane Stream Attention-Bas…, Sensors vol.21 pp.8152 2021.
Chanho Park, Minho Kwon, Myungwon Suh, Hyunsoo Kim and Sung-Ho Hwang , Virtual Integrated Development Environment for the Performan…, Advanced Aspects of Engineering Research vol.11 pp.106-115 2021.
In-Gyu Jang, Seung-Han You, Sung-Ho Hwang, Wanki Cho , Lateral Stability Control of a 4-Wheel Independent Drive Ele…, IEEE Access vol.9 pp.136892 - 136904 2021.
Kyuhyun Sim, Sung-Ho Hwang , A Control Algorithm of an Idle Stop and Go System With Traff…, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2021.
In-Gyu Jang , Chung-Seong Lee and Sung-Ho Hwang , Energy Optimization of Electric Vehicles by Distributing Dri…, Energies vol.Vol.14 (no.3) pp.594 2021.
C. Park, N.T. Jeong, D. Yu, and S.H. Hwang , Path Generation Algorithm Based on Crash Point Prediction fo…, International Journal of Automotive Technology vol.Vol.20, No.3 pp.507-519 2019.
Jinhyun Park, In Gyu Jang, and Sung-Ho Hwang , Torque Distribution Algorithm for an Independently Driven El…, Energies vol.Vol. 11, No. 12 pp.3479 2018.
Jinhyun Park, Minho Kwon, Gwangil Du, Jeewook Huh, and Sung-Ho Hwang , Vehicle Dynamic Control for In-Wheel Electric Vehicles via T…, International Journal of Automotive Technology vol.Vol. 19, No. 3 pp.559-569 2018.
Hanho Son, Hyunhwan Kim, Sungho Hwang, and Hyunsoo Kim , Development of an Advanced Rule-Based Control Strategy for a…, vol.Vol. 11, No. 1 pp.89 2018.
Kyuhyun Sim, Sang-Min Oh, Choul Namkoong, Ji-Suk Lee, Kwan-Soo Han, Sung-Ho Hwang , Control Strategy for Clutch Engagement during Mode Change of…, International Journal of Automotive Technology vol.Vol. 18, No. 5 pp.901~909 2017.
Kyuhyun Sim, Sang-Min Oh, Ku-Young Kang, Sung-Ho Hwang , A Control Strategy for Mode Transition with Gear Shifting in…, Energies vol.Vol.10, No.1043 2017.
Kyuhyun Sim, Hwayoung Lee, Ji Won Yoon, Chanho Choi, Sung-Ho Hwang , Effectiveness evaluation of hydro-pneumatic and semi-active …, Journal of Terramechanics vol.Vol.69 pp.23-32 2017.
Doui Hong, Chanho Park, Yongho Yoo, Sungho Hwang , Advanced Smart Cruise Control with Safety Distance Considere…, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol.Vol.8, No.3 2016.
Ho-Un Jeong, Kyu-Hyun Sim, Kwan-Soo Han, Sung-Ho Hwang , A Study on Diesel Plug-in hybrid Vehicle Powertrain Analysis…, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol.Vol.8, No.4 2016.